seasonal news seasonal news 43923 High-quality pocket umbrella High-quality pocket umbrella made of 190T pongee with black fibreglass shaft, elegant handle and matching case. Automatic opening and closing at the touch of a button. We print your logo on one segment. ø 100 × 58 cm | S2 20 × 15 | E F120 Ferraghini umbrella Elegant and environmentally friendly umbrella from the Ferraghini brand made of RPET and carbon rods with matching cover. We print your logo on one segment. ø 105 × 87,5 cm | S2 20 × 15 | B F225 Ferraghini pocket umbrella Design automatic pocket umbrella with protective cover. We will print your logo on one segment. Full-colour print on request. ø 100 × 60 cm | S2 15 × 10 | P 103
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